RoofQuote PRO Installation Guide

In-depth Developer Instructions for Website Tool Installation


Web Installation Methods
Google Sites
Slideout Widget Javascript API
Analytics Javascript iFrame Events
Other Issues/Troubleshooting


The RoofQuote PRO™ website installation process is the addition of a single script tag to the <head> section of the desired website pages for the Slide-out widget. And the addition of a single script to the <body> section exactly where you want to see the Full Page embedded widget or Contractor Loan Pro popup button on any of your website pages.

For many customers, the Slide-out widget is a global configuration that appears on all pages.

Note that the snippets in this document will not work. They are only examples. The final script URL is specific to your company and will be available in your Pro Portal dashboard.


Slide-out Javascript Tag

Place the following Javascript snippet in the <head> element of the desired pages.





See the Slide-out Widget Javascript API section for advanced controls to program the opening/closing of the Slide-out Widget.

Full Page Embed Tag

  1. Place the following Javascript snippet in the <body> element of the desired pages.

<script src="" async></script>

WORDPRESS (most common)

Roofle has tested version 6.01 of Wordpress

WARNING: changing your Wordpress theme may cause your RoofQuotePRO™ installation to be overwritten.


Wordpress Plugin

Additional documentation is coming soon...

Manual installation method:

  1. Navigate to: Tools -> Theme File Editor -> functions.php
  2. Add the following code snippet to the bottom of the functions.php file:

// Begin: Include Roof Quote PRO™ script in global <head> element

function include_roof_quote_pro(){





      onLoad="console.log('Loaded Roof Quote PRO™')"




add_action('wp_head', 'include_roof_quote_pro');

// End: Include Roof Quote PRO™

Plugin Global Installation Method

  1. Install the Header and Footer plugin:
  2. Navigate to: Settings -> Header and Footer and select the Header and Footer tab if it is not selected.
  3. Add the following code snippet to the <head> page section:

<!-- Begin: Include Roof Quote PRO™ script in global <head> element -->




    onLoad="console.log('Loaded Roof Quote PRO™')"


<!-- End: Include Roof Quote PRO™  -->

Manual Installation of Slideout Widget on Individual Pages

  1. Navigate to: Tools -> Theme File Editor -> functions.php
  2. Add the following code snippet to the bottom of the functions.php file:

// Begin: Include Roof Quote PRO™ script on specific page <head> elements

function include_roof_quote_pro_on_specific_pages(){

  if( is_page( array( 'sample-page', 'second-page' ) ) ){





        onLoad="console.log('Loaded Roof Quote PRO™')"





add_action('wp_head', 'include_roof_quote_pro_on_specific_pages');

// End: Include Roof Quote PRO™

Online Examples

Manual Installation of Full Page Widget

Brad to provide a more complete guide here.

WP Rocket Plugin

There is a known issue that WP Rocket rewrites the embed code, causing it to not be able to load correctly.

A suggested fix is to add roof-quote-pro-widget.js and roof-quote-pro-embedded-widget.js to the list of Excluded Files in the Javascript Minification section of WP Rocket.

WP Rocket -> Settings -> File Optimization -> Javascript Files section

Nitro Pack Plugin

There is a known issue that Nitro Pack rewrites the embed code, causing it to not be able to load correctly. 

A suggested fix is to add roof-quote-pro-widget.js and roof-quote-pro-embedded-widget.js to the list of Excluded Resources section of Nitro Pack.

Elementor Wordpress Site Generator

Elementor Wordpress Site Generator documentation:

Roofle has not tested SiteGround yet for further documentation.

SiteGround Plugin

There is a known issue that SiteGround rewrites the embed code, causing it to not be able to load correctly. 

A suggested fix is to review the following documentation and add  roof-quote-pro-widget.js and roof-quote-pro-embedded-widget.js to the exclude lists you prefer.

Roofle has not tested SiteGround yet for further documentation.

Beta fix: ​​If you go to the theme editor in the WP back end and select the functions .php file like below, if you plug in the following code at the bottom of the .php file and save it, the optimizer will ignore the widget and it should work normally at that point

add_filter( 'sgo_javascript_combine_excluded_external_paths', 'js_combine_exclude_external_script' );

function js_combine_exclude_external_script( $exclude_list ) {

    $exclude_list[] = '';

    $exclude_list[] = '';

$exclude_list[] = '';

    return $exclude_list; 



Slide-out Installation Method

  1. Turn on Dev Mode
  2. Go to Site -> My Dashboard
  3. Go to Settings -> Custom Code -> + Add Custom Code
  4. Paste the code snippet in and give the code a name
  5. Add the code to all or desired pages
  6. Choose “Place Code in: Head”

Online Example

Full Page Installation Method

  1. Turn on Dev Mode
  2. Select Add Section
  3. Select Blank Section
  4. Select and highlight the new Section
  5. Select Quick Edit -> Add Elements -> Embed Code -> Embed HTML
  6. Paste in the div tag AND the script tag
    1. E.g.
      <script src="" async></script>

<div id="roof-quote-pro-embedded"></div>

  1. Click Update
  2. Use the drag handles to drag the embedded section to be the full width and height of the Section you created. Or, use the Stretch to Full Width <-> feature in the Wix interface
  3. Wix websites use fixed-height sections. We recommend a height of 1040 pixels or taller.

Individual Page Installation Workaround

When installing the widget on individual pages Wix will persist the widget on page changes due to their page loading strategy. The result is the widget may appear on pages you did not want to include.

A workaround to this issue is to add the following Custom Code block to the Body - End section of all pages.

 <script type="text/javascript">

 (function (history) {

   const pushState = history.pushState;

   history.pushState = function (state) {

     pushState.apply(history, arguments);

     setTimeout(toggleWidgetFromPushState, 250);


   function toggleWidgetFromPushState() {

     const script = document.querySelector(



     const widget = document.getElementById("roof-quote-pro-widget");

     if (widget) { = !!script ? "" : "none";






Slide-out Global Installation Method

  1. Go to Settings -> Advanced -> Code Injection
  2. Paste the code snippet in the Header section and Save

Slide-out Individual Page Method

  1. Go to the desired page
  2. Go to Settings (gear) icon -> Advanced
  3. Paste the code snippet in the Header section and Save

Full Page Installation Method

  1. Go to the desired page
  2. Click Add Section -> Blank Section
  3. Select Add Block -> Code
  4. Expand the block size to the complete width of the grid (see screenshot)
  5. Click the Edit Pencil Icon
  6. Paste in the Snippet (be sure there are no “curly quotes”, they must be straight HTML quotes).
    <script src="" async></script>
    <div id="roof-quote-pro-embedded"></div>
  7. Click Save


Hubspot provides multiple locations to include the HTML Javascript Tag in the <head> section of the template or individual page.

Installation For Templates

For templates, you can include the tag in the “Additional <head> markup” section of the template editor.

Marketing -> Files and Templates -> Design Tools -> My Template

Use a custom HTML module to insert the script for the full-page embedded widget.

Installation For Pages

For pages, you can include the tag by navigating to: 

Marketing -> Website -> Website Pages -> My Page -> Edit -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Head HTML 




Add to the domain list for testing the widget in GoDaddy’s website editor.

Slide-out Installation Method

Due to technical restrictions enforced by GoDaddy, it is not possible to install the slide-out widget on websites built with GoDaddy Website Builder. You must use the full-page installation method.

Full Page Installation Method

To enable previewing the widget in the website builder, we recommend adding to the domain whitelist in addition to the contractor domain.

The Full Page embed tags can be installed with the following steps:

  1. Click Edit My Site to enter the website editor.
  2. Locate the desired area of the page you would like to install the widget, and click Add Section.
  3. Type “HTML” into the search box and select the Add Content button for HTML.
  4. Paste the Full Page embed code into the Custom Code text box and save.
    <script src="" async></script>
    <div id="roof-quote-pro-embedded"></div>
  5. Click Preview My Site to ensure it saves.

GoDaddy E-Store


Slide-out Installation Method

Due to technical restrictions enforced by Google, it is not possible to install the slide-out widget on websites built with Google Sites. You must use the full-page installation method.

Full Page Installation Method

  1. Go to the desired page.
  2. Click the section of the page you wish the widget to be placed after.
  3. In the Insert tab of the editor, select Embed.
  4. Select the Embed Code tab.
  5. Paste the Full Page embed code into the Custom Code text box and save.
    <script src="" async></script>
    <div id="roof-quote-pro-embedded"></div>
  6. Select Next -> Insert
  7. Use the box editor to make the widget full width by dragging the handles to the edges of the page.
  8. Use the box editor to increase the height of the widget a good amount. You will need to test the published page to see if there is enough height for the widget to work well.


The Next.Js code snippet can be placed globally in _app.js, or on individual pages.

import Script from "next/script";





For the full page embed script, use `afterInteractive` along with the <div> element.






<div id="roof-quote-pro-embedded" />


There is a Javascript API to control the widget. The widget is exposed onto the `window` object as `RoofQuotePro`.

The following methods are available:

  • RoofQuotePro.close()
  • RoofQuotePro.toggle()


The widget iFrame is configured to emit events for analytics purposes. These events can be captured with Javascript in the parent window and utilized for the analytics solution of your choice (e.g. Google Analytics).

The following code is a recommended configuration and is an example of sending the Analytics Events directly to Google Analytics. This code can be installed directly on pages which have Roof Quote PRO installed, or it can be added to Google Tag Manager as a Custom HTML Tag with the DOM ready trigger.

Read How to set up Google Tag Manager to record RQP events and conversions in Google Analytics. This is helpful for optimizing your Google Ads campaigns.


  window.addEventListener("message", function (event) {

    if (event.origin.includes("")) {

      if (!dataLayer) {

        console.warn("Google Analytics is not installed.");



      // Track the widget was loaded

      if ( === "Roof-quote-pro-viewed") {



      // Track the address entered event

      if ( === "Address-loaded") {



      // Track the contact form submitted event

      if ( === "Contact-form-submitted") {



      // Track the help/other contact form submitted event

      if ( === "Get-help-form-submitted") {



      // Track the product detail requested event

      if ( === "Product-requested-cta") {




    function send(event) {

      console.log("Roof Quote PRO™ sent the " + event + " event to Google Analytics");


        event: event,





Event Names

The following is a list of event names that the iframe may emit. These names will not change, but more events may be added in the future.











Event Example Data

The following is example JSON emitted by a single event, all events contain the data property which holds the event information:

data: {

    "event": "Contact-form-submitted",

    "sessionId": "EvQPb3PWVlUWuJaXSNBc6",

    "marketSlug": "minneapolis-st-paul_mn"



Custom Website CSP Errors

Some sites have Content Security Policy (CSP) restrictions. The web developer will need to update the website headers to allow the iframe to be hosted on their domain.