Set Up For Your Branding For Optimal Results

Roof Quote PRO™ is fully white-labeled with a ton of custom options to suit your company's brand and website experience.


Roof Quote PRO™ active subscription
Admin user access


Customize your tool settings including colors, text, buttons, emails, and display options. Follow the Best Practices provided in this article for optimal results and higher lead generation.

Text, Icons, Illustrations
Square Footage Settings
Suggested Slope Settings
Email Settings
Floating Widget


To start, login to your portal and go to the Settings tab
Select Branding from the Feature dropdown menu

Preview your setting changes in real time from the example to the right.  Click Save Changes to preview the full-page widget (embedded version) or floating widget (slide-out version) of your instant quote tool.

Background Color

Expand the Background section
Set any color for the background of your instant quote tool
Option 1 - Enter the color hex code
Option 2 - Manually select the color by clicking on the color square, then use the slider to the desired color range and use your curser to select your color
You can also adjust the opacity

HEADS UP!  Setting the opacity lower than 90% may decrease lead conversions as it will make your form screen difficult to read since it overlays your initial screen.

Save your changes.

Best Practices for Background Color:
- Most companies choose white or try to match the same background color of their website.
- Make sure your background color contrasts highly with your titles, main and secondary text.
- Avoid using highly saturated colors such as bright green or red as it is may distract the user

Text, Icons, and Illustrations

Expand the Text, Icons, and Illustrations section
Set the color and font for Titles, Main Text, and Secondary Text

  • Titles include the header text "What will my roof cost," structure names, Recommended Products header, Product names, and Financing options/price
  • Main Text includes the text under your header, address, text under the map, selected structure slope, product descriptions, instant quote Price, and Package Details
  • Secondary Text includes unselected structure slopes and product description headers

Set the color of your icons
Icons include the "x" that clears the address, trash icons to delete structures, and tooltips

Set the fill and outline colors for your Roof Borders

  • Fill Color is for overlay color for included roof structures on the map
  • Outline Color is for lines that cover excluded roof structures on the map and the small outline to roof overlays

Set the colors and corner rounding for Tooltip and Map Controls

  • Fill Color is for map buttons and backgrounds of the roof names on the map
  • Outline Color is for outlining the roof names on the map and boxes for structure cards and slope selection
  • Corner Rounding changes the shape to the buttons and roof name boxes on the map - a higher number makes them more round, lower number more rectangular
  • Font Color is for the roof name text and zoom icons on the map

Set the selected and unselected colors for Illustration (Slope Preview)

  • Selected color is for included roofs and selected slope illustrations
  • Unselected color is for excluded roofs and unselected slope illustrations

Edit Title to change the text of your headline "What will my roof cost?"
Edit Example Text to change the supporting text under the headline

Save your changes.

Best Practices for Text, Icons, and Illustrations:
- Avoid using more than 3-4 colors for text, icons, and illustrations
- Match the text colors to your website font colors, or make them neutral such as dark grey or white (if your background is a dark color)
- Avoid making icons a bright or saturated color
- Match your Roof Borders fill color the same as your button colors (in Controls)
- Make your Roof Borders outline color the same color as roof borders fill or icons
- Make your Tooltips fill color white and outline the same as roof borders outline
- Make the Tooltips font color the same as your main or secondary text
- Match the corner rounding to your buttons corner rounding
- Make the Illustrations selected color darker than the unselected color
- "What will my roof cost" has been proven to produce good conversion results, so be sure to compare your conversion performance if you change it (run a/b testing)
- Keep example text the same or just as simple and straightforward if you change it


Expand the Controls section
Set the colors and font attributes for your Main Button.

The Main Button includes both call-to-action buttons on each product card ("Send Me Details" and "Get Pre-Qualified"), selected color outline, address bar outline when it's clicked, and the "See My Price" and "Show My Price" buttons shown before the quotes generated.

  • The fill color is the main color of the button
  • The outline color is used to outline the button. Use the same color as the fill to show no distinguishing button outline (recommended)
  • Corner rounding changes the shape of your button
  • The font, font weight, and font color are for the button text

(Optional) Change the Product "Call-to-action" text. It is "Send Me Details" by default. Clicking this button sends the instant quote for that specific product to the contact's email they entered in the form step, and it opens a Thank You Screen.

Set the colors and font attributes for your Secondary Button.

The Secondary Button includes the "Edit Roofs" and "Start Over" buttons

  • The fill color, outline color, corner rounding, and font attributes follow the same rules as your main button explained above

Set the colors and corner rounding for the Checkbox shown on structure cards

  • The fill and outline colors are for when a checkbox is checked, which indicates the roof structure is included in the quote

Save your changes.

Best Practices for Controls:
- Use the same colors and font you set in the Text, Icons, and Illustrations section
- Match the Main Button fill color to the other buttons on your website and/or the roof borders fill color
- Use the same color for Main Button fill and outline, or make the outline not much different/contrasted to the fill color
- Make sure the Main Button font color contrasts with the button fill color so the text is very clear (e.g. use white if the button fill is dark)
- Avoid using highly saturated colors for the Main Button font color such as bright yellow or green

IMPORTANT:  If you change the Main Button call-to-action, make sure it makes sense to what happens next (they're sent the quote and shown a thank you screen)
Good CTA Examples:
"Email My Quote", "Book Inspection", "I'm Interested", "Next Step", "Talk To A Pro", "Get Proposal", "Find Out More", "Buy Now" (Only use if your team sells remotely)

- Make the Secondary Button fill color white or very light, and for the outline color use the same color as the Main Button fill color
- Use the same corner rounding value for both Main and Secondary buttons
- It's ok to use a different corner rounding value for the Checkboxes, but use a very high (30) or low (2) value
 - Make the Checkbox fill and outline color the same and match the color of your Main Button

Square Footage Settings

Expand the Square Footage Settings section

Turn on the Show Square Footage toggle to display the total square feet used to calculate their pricing for each product 

Turning on the Show Square Footage toggle will automatically turn on the other option,
Add Square Footage In Emails To Homeowners 

With this turned on, the total square feet will also be shown in quotes sent to their email. A Quote is emailed after clicking any product's Main Button or if sent directly from Rep Quotes.

Turn off the Add Square Footage In Emails option to exclude the total square feet on any quote sent to their email.

Save your changes.

By default, the square footage calculated by Roof Quote PRO is hidden from the contact. This will prevent them from using that information to get additional quotes or having competitors compare your quote.

Suggested Slope Settings

Expand the Suggested Slope Settings section

Suggested Slopes uses advanced building data to suggest the predominant slope/pitch of each roof structure. This greatly enhances the homeowner experience in several ways:

  • They do not have to change the roof slope(s) selection before getting an instant quote
  • It ensures a greater level of accuracy for calculating their instant quote
  • It builds trust in the technology by auto-detecting specific details about their roof(s)

In Rep Quotes, suggested slopes will be even more specific by providing a custom slope (e.g. 4/12, 9/12, etc) versus simply flat, low, medium, and steep

If no data is available for a structure, it will not show a slope suggestion and revert back to a default Medium slope.

By default, Suggested Slopes are turned on. It is highly recommended to keep this on unless you're experiencing negative feedback about the suggested slopes in your market(s).

Email Settings

Expand the Email Settings section

You have the option to Attach PDF of Quote for Customer, which includes a PDF copy of their quote in the email sent after clicking any product's Main Button or sent from Rep Quotes.

By default, Attached PDFs are turned on. This polishes the homeowner experience by providing them with a custom branded PDF record of their quote.

Save your changes.

Floating Widget

Select Tool Callout from the Feature dropdown menu located at the top of the Widget Tool Settings screen
Expand the Floating Widget section
Set the fill color, font options, and location of the "Instant Roof Quote" Button

This button sticks to the side of any page on your website that the Slideout Roof Quote PRO Script is installed. Clicking the button slides open the instant quote widget.

Save your changes.

Best Practices for Floating Widget
- Use a fill color that matches or blends well with your brand colors yet stands out from your website background color 
- The fill color does not have to be the same color as your website's call-to-action buttons
- Use the same font as the rest of your brand settings, which should match or closest resemble your website's main font
- Use a Bold font weight
- Increase the font size to 24 (max) unless it makes the button too large that is covers other important elements on your website
- The font color should contract the button fill color to make it most visible (e.g. use black if the button color is bright, and use white if the button color is darker)
- The slideout widget is most commonly used on the right side of the screen, choose the left side only if will compete with elements on your website's right side


Expand the Callout section

The Callout is the text box connected to the floating widget button. It is designed to grab the homeowner's attention when they visit your website or landing page.

By default, it is displayed on desktops and tablets since the screen is larger on those devices. Turn off the Show on Tablets and Desktops toggle to hide the callout for people browsing from a computer, laptop, or tablet such as an iPad.

By default, it is not displayed on mobile devices since it may take up much of the screen and make it harder to browse the page. Turn on the Show on Phones toggle to display the callout for people browsing from a mobile phone.

Set the fill, outline, and font colors

  • The fill color is the background color of the callout box
  • The outline color is a thin color that outlines the callout box
  • The font color is for the callout title and text 

(Optional) Edit the callout title and text to change the callout message.
Callout Title is limited to 34 characters
Default text is "Need a roofing quote?"

Callout Text is limited to 55 characters
Default text is "Get Your Price NOW!"

Save your changes.

Best Practices for Callout
- Use a white or neutral fill color, and don't lower the opacity
- Use the same color as the Instant Roof Quote Button for the outline
- Use the same font color as the Instant Roof Quote Button font
- Keep the default settings for devices display options

Good Examples of Titles:
"Get Your Roof Estimate In Seconds"
"Get A Roofing Quote Online Instantly"
"Online Roof Quote In Seconds"
"Fast Online Roofing Quotes"
"Find Out Your Roofing Cost Now"

Good Examples of Text:
"Fast, Accurate AI-Powered Online Quotes"
"Real-Time Quotes for Popular Products"
"Use Our Tech For Accurate Online Quotes Instantly"
"Instant, Precise AI-Powered Online Quotes"